Helpful Resources

Advice on working conditions

A range of advice leaflets and information can be found in the Knowledge Centre. For individual advice or urgent assistance, members should contact Professional Support on (02) 9217 2100.

Aboriginal education

We must all work together to create an environment where Aboriginal teachers, students and their community feel respected and acknowledged.

The union has a long history and tradition of supporting the rights of Aboriginal students and their communities.

More resources to assist with making a positive contribution to Aboriginal education are exclusively available to members, for example, our Aboriginal Education — 25 Year Approach: The Way Forward, which incorporates the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy template. It includes a range of activities suitable for implementation at the workplace, stage or facility and classroom.

Casual and temporary teachers

Over the decades Federation members have worked together to achieve improvements in employment rights for casual and temporary teachers, who play a vital role in the delivery of quality education within the public education system.

Casual and temporary teachers should be aware of their working conditions and entitlements. Members have exclusive access to our documents, such as the Casual and Temporary Teachers Handbook and Advice on filling out a temporary engagement form.


Members have exclusive access to an extensive range of information and advice leaflets relevant to employment with TAFE NSW.

Documents cover leave, recruitment and selection, transfers and many aspects of teachers’ rights including workers compensation and complaints handling.


We have developed a range of advice leaflets to assist women members with aspects of teachers’ rights including maternity and parental leave, sexual harassment and discrimination.

Find out more about our Women’s program here.


Federation rejects racism. As a union of educators, all Federation members have the responsibility to organise, oppose, act and educate against racism in all its forms.

Members can click here for anti-racism resources to use in their classrooms.