How many students should be in my class?

The schools Staffing Agreement 2016–2020, between the Department of Education and Federation, notes: “Class sizes will be planned generally on the following basis and will have regard to the needs of the school”

High schools and secondary departments of central schools

In relation to years 7–10 the Agreement states:

“The principal, in consultation with staff, is responsible for determining actual class sizes based on the curriculum needs of the school, student needs, community expectations, and the expertise of the teachers. In the case of vocational education, principals also take account of work health and safety issues when forming classes.”

On that basis, the Agreement also states: “No class need exceed 30 students.”

Practical classes

The Staffing Agreement states that when forming practical classes, principals also take into account advice that:

“No class need exceed 20 students” for industrial technology classes (includes automotive, building and construction, ceramics, electronics, engineering, farm maintenance, leather, metal, multimedia/ photography, polymers and timber).

“No class need exceed 22 students” for technology (mandatory) in years 7–8 or design and technology (elective) years 7–10.

“No class need exceed 24 students” for food technology years 7–10 or textiles technology years 7–10.

Years 11–12

No class need exceed 24 students.

Primary schools and primary departments of
central schools

Kindergarten Statewide average 20 students
Year 1 Statewide average 22 students
Year 2 Statewide average 24 students
Years 3-6 No class need exceed 30 students


Members with concerns in regard to class sizes should, in the first instance, contact their Federation Representative or local Organiser for assistance.