Teachers and Parents condemn Pauline Hanson for her comments about students with disability

Senator Hanson’s comments yesterday that students with disability should be segregated from their peers at school are ill informed and deeply offensive. Hanson’s comments have rightly drawn condemnation from all directions, including teachers, parents and advocates for students with disability.

Stephanie Gotlib, CEO of Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) said: “Senator Hanson’s comments are divisive, unacceptable and damaging. Access to an inclusive education is a human right for every Australian child. There is a very clear and overwhelming evidence base that demonstrates inclusive education is best practice for students with and without disability.”

In supporting Ms. Gotlib’s comments, Federation President Maurie Mulheron said “Pauline Hanson’s comments about students are vicious and ignorant. What is extraordinary is that she made these comments on the same day that she voted in the senate for massive cuts to schools funding which will strip support from students with disability.”