Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance is marked on 20 November each year to reflect on the challenges and cruelties faced by the transgender community.

It is also a time to remember those lives lost as a result of transgender violence, as well as those who have endured and continue to endure violence in the face of transphobia.

Transgender people have a gender identity or expression that differs from their assigned sex at birth. People who identify as transgender may also include those who are not exclusively masculine or feminine, and may identify as gender-queer or non-binary, as well as pangender or gender fluid.

Despite increased media coverage of transgender celebrities such as Laverne Cox, Jazz Jennings and Caitlyn Jenner, transgender people still face much stigma and discrimination. This sometimes includes crude remarks, unwanted stares, inappropriate questioning and violence.

As has been highlighted by the events unfolding in the US, simple things such as using a public toilet can bring about unwanted attention from other members of the community.

For many transgender people, discrimination is also experienced daily in the language used in media releases, interviews with high-profile people and everyday social media posts.

Considering the effect this type of messaging has on young people, it is important that schools work to create and maintain safe, supportive and inclusive environments so that students are able to be who they are, without a negative effect on their educational outcomes or wellbeing.

The Gender Centre, Trans Pride Australia, Inner City Legal Centre, City of Sydney and NSW Police are hosting an event in Harmony Park, Surry Hills, to commemorate those who have suffered violence as a result of transphobia.

All are welcome to attend this event on Tuesday, 20 November, which begins at 6.30pm with guest speakers and entertainment, followed by a candlelight vigil.

Cameron Reynolds is a LGBTIQ Restricted Committee member