Union asserts support for journalists and media freedom, following police raids

Federation has expressed its solidarity with journalists and other media workers following recent raids on journalists and media organisations by the Australian Federal Police.

General Secretary John Dixon has written to the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance’s Federal President Marcus Strom, stating the police raids “should worry all Australians committed to a free, transparent and independent media”.

“Indeed, if unchallenged, they pose a serious threat to a democratic and open society,” Mr Dixon wrote.

“The raids betray the thinking of those in power and are a serious over-reach by the politicians ultimately responsible. They were deliberate acts of intimidation, designed to silence not just journalists but any citizen whistleblower.

“Federation notes that these raids have taken place following sustained attacked on the independence of the ABC by conservative politicians.

“We cannot as teachers in the public education system remain quiet whilst these attacks occur and will continue to speak out in your support.”

— Kerri Carr