Strong basis exists for increased special education funding

Solid ground exists on which to conduct future campaigning for special education funding after the dumping of the Gonski needs-based schools funding model by the Turnbull government, Federation Annual Conference delegates heard today (Monday).

Federation Officer attached to the Special Education Committee, Claudia Vera, said foundations for equity exist within the Disability Standards, the Melbourne Declaration, the National Disability Strategy and the findings of the Gonski Review.

She said the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data, National Disability Insurance Scheme and the outcome of the NSW disability inquiry would inform and feed the campaign.

Delegates heard from Ms Vera that “more than ever, our members, system and students need our unity, our collective voice, and a viable, disciplined plan responding to the tension of short-term urgency and long-term vision”.

She invited teachers to campaign for intervention that leads to improved teacher capacity and student outcomes through universal practice.