Teachers Federation welcomes opportunity for a change in government

NSW Teachers Federation has welcomed the announcement of the federal election on May 21, with President Angelo Gavrielatos declaring: The Morrison Government has got to go.

The glimmer of hope we had in 2013, with the introduction of the Gonski school funding reforms has been progressively extinguished by the Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison governments, he said.

Under current funding arrangements between the states and territories public schools are funded at only 87 per cent of what Gonski found necessary for kids to achieve.

By contrast, private schools will continue to be funded above and beyond their required levels and continue to receive billions extra in special deals to fund dance theatres, cafes, and wellness centres.

The Morrison Government’s recent Budget slashed funding for public schools by $559 million over the next three years, yet it increased funding for private schools by $2.6 billion over the forward estimates.

The Morrison Government likes to talk about record levels of funding, yet their record on funding is one of billions of dollars in special deals and slush funds for private schools.

The Morrison Government’s blatant favouritism towards private schools has left every single public school in NSW underfunded and without the necessary resources for the students who need it the most.

The Morrison government does not deserve your vote.